Understanding the Provision of Our Services
We provide services in Math and/or English to students using our individualized lesson plans. In order to be successful, parents and students need to acknowledge that success will require effort and attendance. Have you ever lost weight merely by joining a gym? I didn’t think so. There are no miracle pills when it comes to learning either. The closest we can come is: 1) foster a joy in learning; and 2) foster good independent study skills. In this way we can create an independent and capable learner, one who asks for help when they truly do not understand, but only after making some independent effort. This is our ideal.
Most children who become joyful, independent learners did not start off that way. They were taught. This is a major component of what we do and what we foster, besides the academic skills that we work on with every student. If your child is already a joyful, independent learner, we will be able to make even more rapid progress. We can give them the individualized lesson plans and the respect they deserve as the ultimate masters of their educational fate. We take our students’ input seriously. A serious student who expresses reservations about what they are being taught will be listened to, and a healthy discussion of their lesson planning will occur. If a student has not yet acquired the right skills and attitudes towards learning, we will work with you (the parent) to foster such skills and attitudes. In order to succeed in such a transformation, it is absolutely essential that parents and The Learning Path work together towards our common goal – your child’s success. Should you openly doubt us, our abilities, or our methods, especially in front of your child, our ability to succeed will be hugely diminished. You need to commit to and believe in The Learning Path as much as your child does.
The ideal amount of learning time for younger students is no more than 30 minutes per subject. Older students can work longer than this, but there are declining returns after one hour of focused study for most students.
The Agreement
Parent(s) or Guardian(s) shall pay The Learning Path (TLP) on or before the first day of each month in which Tutoring Services are to be performed a nonrefundable Tuition in the amount of $250 for Math or Reading (2 hours per week), or $350 for both subjects (3 hours per week) per month. Attending the center in excess of 2-3 hours per week (calculated per week, without the option of rolling hours from one week over into another), may result in additional charges of $25 per hour (or part thereof). The parent also agrees that student will have sufficient materials to complete work, and if not, that the center can charge for their provision (e.g. $1 per pencil or eraser). If Tuition is not paid in full by the date specified, TLP tutors may apply the last month deposit (paid upon enrollment) to satisfy that month’s tuition. Should a non-payment situation fail to be redressed, TLP reserves the right to charge a new registration fee ($100) in order for a student to continue.
One month’s notice must be provided in writing, such as via email, in order to terminate services. Upon enrollment, parent will pay the first and last months of tuition. Should sufficient notice not be provided, TLP will retain the deposit of the last month of tuition. No amount of tuition will be refunded.
TLP’s tutors are employees who have been trained in our systems. They will use their discretion and judgment in application of these systems to the individual needs and capabilities of each Student. TLP and its tutors shall endeavor to achieve the educational objectives discussed with the Parent and Student at the time that Tutoring Services commence. However, neither TLP nor TLP tutors guaranty or represent that each Student will succeed in reaching the objectives within the projected timeframe. The Parent and Student acknowledge that the Student’s success is substantially dependent upon the Student’s regular attendance, faithful completion of the study assignments prescribed, and timely completion of all Instructional Materials and worksheets. If completing work at home, it will be necessary for parents to supervise their Student’s progress (including the completion of corrections) and to make regular communications with the Center Manager about the Student’s progress.
All meetings with the Center Manager and tutors shall occur in our Tutoring Center. All payments are to be made by automatic payment from a bank account or credit card on the first of each month. Payments by credit card may incur a convenience fee of up to 3%.
Students shall comply with all behavior policies of TLP. TLP is not a child care facility and does not provide child care or supervision. Parent(s) or guardian(s) needs to be immediately available. The Parent agrees to arrange for the Student to be picked up at the Tutoring Center at the end of each Tutoring Session.
The Parent acknowledges that Tuition is not an expense that is eligible for tax deductions or credit. TLP will not give its tax ID for this purpose.