Free Testing & Free Registration
The Learning Path is please to announce that we are conducting free assessment testing for new students as well as free registration for new students enrolling and paying regular enrollment monthly fee; the regular for testing and registration $100.

Spring Break – We Will Be Open
The Learning Path would like to inform our students and parents that we will be open for tutoring during Spring Break! We know this is an early notice but we wanted to provide such a notice so you can plan in advance.

SUMMER INTENSIVE Launching June 1!
We are excited to be launching our Summer Intensive Program starting June 1 through August 31. Students can attend an UNLIMITED* number of times during the summer. We are open 5 days a week, which means your child could use The Learning Path as a highly effective summer school. Unlike summer school, we get a

Memorial Day – Gratitude and Happiness
Memorial Day – Gratitude and Happiness Memorial Day weekend is coming up and it’s a good time to remember what Memorial Day is about – remembering those who have fallen for us, and being grateful for their sacrifice. Teaching your children to be grateful will give them the great gift of empowering them to be